Качество конструкции и эффективность
Качество конструкции и эффективность
Полностью исключен риск появления Legionella
Соблюдение ограничений шума, введенных организаторами выставки
Качество конструкции и эффективность
Качество конструкции и эффективность
Полностью исключен риск появления Legionella
Соблюдение ограничений шума, введенных организаторами выставки
XXLD Mega Giants Dry coolers with Dry and Spray System and EC motors - 22 fans - Hotel and office building - Eurocentrum, Warsaw, Poland
XXLD Mega Giants Dry coolers with Dry and Spray System and EC motors - 22 fans - Hotel and office building - Eurocentrum, Warsaw, Poland
XXLD Mega Giants Dry coolers with Dry and Spray System and EC motors - 22 fans - Hotel and office building - Eurocentrum, Warsaw, Poland
"ART DE VIVRE" Shopping Centre, Paris, Eragny, France - 4 pcs EHLD1N 2257 E with Dry & Spray system and EC motors
Data Process Centre Installation, City of London, UK - 14 units: 6 XDHV air cooled condensers spec. with electronic motors – 8 XDHL dry coolers spec. with electronic motors
Data Process Centre Installation, City of London, UK - 14 units: 6 XDHV air cooled condensers spec. with electronic motors – 8 XDHL dry coolers spec. with electronic motors
Data Process Centre Installation, City of London, UK - 14 units: 6 XDHV air cooled condensers spec. with electronic motors – 8 XDHL dry coolers spec. with electronic motors
AGORA' Shopping Centre, Bytom, Slesia, Poland - Air conditioning installation - 14 pcs EHLD1 6267 E with 12 fans - Total rating 8 Mw
AGORA' Shopping Centre, Bytom, Slesia, Poland - Air conditioning installation - 14 pcs EHLD1 6267 E with 12 fans - Total rating 8 Mw
TOUR T1 - Courbevoie (Faubourg l'Arche), Paris, France - Data centre air conditioning - 12 SDHLF dry coolers
TOUR T1 - Courbevoie (Faubourg l'Arche), Paris, France - Data centre air conditioning - 12 SDHLF dry coolers
TOUR T1 - Courbevoie (Faubourg l'Arche), Paris, France - Data centre air conditioning - 12 SDHLF dry coolers
TOUR T1 - Courbevoie (Faubourg l'Arche), Paris, France - Data centre air conditioning - 12 SDHLF dry coolers
Raiffeisen Bank Center - Budapest - Hungary - EHVD1F 1247 air cooled condenser - A/C installation
Raiffeisen Bank Center - Budapest - Hungary - EHVD1F 1247 air cooled condenser - A/C installation
Raiffeisen Bank Center - Budapest - Hungary - EHVD1F 1247 air cooled condenser - A/C installation
Raiffeisen Bank Center - Budapest - Hungary - EHVD1F 1247 air cooled condenser - A/C installation
EM MICROELECTRONICS (SWATCH Group) - Marin, Neuchatel Lake, Switzerland - Cooling for electronic components and air conditioning - 2 EHLD1X 6277 Dry & Spray with water treatment system - 850 KW each unit -
EM MICROELECTRONICS (SWATCH Group) - Marin, Neuchatel Lake, Switzerland - Cooling for electronic components and air conditioning - 2 EHLD1X 6277 Dry & Spray with water treatment system - 850 KW each unit -
RAS INSURANCE BUILDING - Milano - Italy. Main Data Center cooling installation.SDHLS 340 dry cooler with Spray System
SHOPPING AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE - Rabat - Maroc SHL dry coolers for the first ice skating rink in Maroc.
SPIRAL HAZ Building - Budapest - Air conditioning - 4 pcs EHLD1T 4266 dry coolers with regulation
SPIRAL HAZ Building - Budapest - Air conditioning - 4 pcs EHLD1T 4266 dry coolers with regulation
Business center "Benua" - Coast of Neva - St. Petersburg - 6pcs. EHL90F with regulation, total capacity 1,6MW
Centre Sportif JEAN DAME, Paris, 4ème arrondissement, France - SAL Dry cooler, special colour - Air conditioning
A/C Air conditioning installation, Milan, Italy - 22 pcs XDHV air cooled condensers
ARUBA – Arezzo, Italy - Data centre air conditioning - 66 units - SAV7N 8421 air cooled condensers
Zurich, Switzerland – Air conditioning installation - 3 units – XXLD Mega Giant dry coolers with spray system
TCHAIKOVSKY CONSERVATORY, Moscow, Russia - Air conditioning system -EHLDN Dry coolers
Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersbourg, Russia - Air conditioning system -EHLDN dry coolers and EHVD air cooled condenser with WWS (water spray system)
Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", Moscow, Russia - Air Conditioning for the Campus - EHLD1F 3277 E Dry coolers - 14 Fans - Total cooling capacity of 6 MW
The main Olympic Ice Arena - Dry-coolers LU-VE - EAL9N 6252 - 16 pcs. EHL90F 354 - 6 pcs.
The main Olympic Ice Arena - Dry-coolers LU-VE - EAL9N 6252 - 16 pcs. EHL90F 354 - 6 pcs.
Data Center Yandex - Air Condensers LU-VE EAV5N 5341 H – 40 pcs. EAV5N 5321 H – 8 pcs.
The residential complex "Atlantic“ (St. Petersburg) - Dry-coolers LU-VE SHLDS 768 E with WSS – 2 pcs.
The residential complex "Atlantic“ (St. Petersburg) - Dry-coolers LU-VE SHLDS 768 E with WSS – 2 pcs.
Business Center "House of Zinger" (St. Petersburg) - Dry-coolers LU-VE SHLN 456 E H 2x3 – 4 pcs.
Business Center "House of Zinger" (St. Petersburg) - Dry-coolers LU-VE SHLN 456 E H 2x3 – 4 pcs.
Business Center "House of Zinger" (St. Petersburg) - Dry-coolers LU-VE SHLN 456 E H 2x3 – 4 pcs.
Shopping mall "Gorbushkin dvor" Moscow - Dry-coolers LU-VE EHLD2S 3277 E 14 – 10 pcs.
Shopping mall "Gorbushkin dvor" Moscow - Dry-coolers LU-VE EHLD2S 3277 E 14 – 10 pcs. The total cooling capacity of 5,6 MW.
Shopping mall “Grad City“ (Voronezh) - Dry-coolers LU-VE EHLD1F 1287 N 16VENT (2X8) with WSS – 4 pcs.
Shopping mall “Grad City“ (Voronezh) - Dry-coolers LU-VE EHLD1F 1287 N 16VENT (2X8) with WSS – 4 pcs. The total cooling capacity of 8 MW.
Bolshoi Theatre, Russia - EHLD1N 2257 with 10 fans Dry coolers - 2 pcs. Total cooling capacity 2 MW.
Bolshoi Theatre, Russia - EHLD1N 2257 with 10 fans Dry coolers - 2 pcs. Total cooling capacity 2 MW.
Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany - XXLDX 9127 E DS with Spray System
WEST CITY – ZAPADNI MESTO installation – PRAGUE Made by COMPLETE CZ 2 pieces of EHLD1X 6266 WSS EC fans Total capacity 2.4 MW
WEST CITY – ZAPADNI MESTO installation – PRAGUE Made by COMPLETE CZ 2 pieces of EHLD1X 6266 WSS EC fans Total capacity 2.4 MW
Project ZIGGO TILBURG, (Television, internet and telephony provider) - Air conditioning – DATA CENTER - N. 10 dry coolers XDHL1X 4125 D with Water Spray System with EC fans and complete regulation system.
ZIGGO, Tilburg - Olanda. 10 pieces XDHL DRYCOOLERS with water spray system and regulation.
ZIGGO, Tilburg - Olanda. 10 pieces XDHL DRYCOOLERS with water spray system and regulation.
Quantity: 2
Type: Dry Coolers with Water Spray System, XXLDF 9224 A CU AP+EC+IS+RG+WSS+WATER SP
Power: 2 x 1540 kW
Application: Industrial processes
Year: 2012
London Telehouse
Power: 28 MW
Application: Data Centre cooling
Type: 20 pcs of X2 dry cooler
Hôpital de Besançon Besançon, France Air Conditioning HLD dry coolers with spray system
TOUR 1 Courbevoie, Paris, France Data center air conditioning 12 SDHLF dry coolers
London AC data centre project located near St Paul’s Cathedral SAV500 units with EC fans total of 5 units
Universiteit Twente
Type: N. 2 pcs XXLD1X 9208 A with ALUPAINT fins, EC FANS and regulation, DryandSpray System, isolator switches and Whisperer
Power: 2 x 1500Kw
Touristic village in Marrakech. Installation of: - 4 dry coolers with D&S (conditioning) - Commercial evaporators Installed by VENTEC
Touristic village in Marrakech. Installation of: - 4 dry coolers with D&S (conditioning) - Commercial evaporators Installed by VENTEC
Touristic village in Marrakech. Installation of: - 4 dry coolers with D&S (conditioning) - Commercial evaporators Installed by VENTEC
LU-VE S.p.A. - Via Caduti della Liberazione, 53 21040 UBOLDO (Va) - Tel: +39 02 96716.1, e-mail: [email protected]
REA Varese N°191975 - Capitale sociale € 62.704.488,80 (i.v.) - P. IVA 01570130128