Air cooled condenser SAV-EAV-EHV-SHV-XAV-XHV with axial fans

Air cooled condenser SAV-EAV-EHV-SHV-XAV-XHV with axial fans

Wide range of fans, Ø 350-500-630-710-800-900-950: the perfect solution for every noise/capacity ratio requirement.
Low noise operation and reduced energy consumption

Main features Air cooled condenser SAV-EAV-EHV-SHV-XAV-XHV with axial fans

10 different ranges of air cooled condensers suitable for all refrigeration installation demands.

SHV-N-S 350
5,3÷ 82,4 kW
From 1 to 8 fans Ø 350
dBA 30÷49

SAV-N-S-R 500
11,9÷175,2 kW
1 - 6 fans Ø 500
dBA 25÷55
Also available with single-phase fans

EAV-N-S-R 500
14,5÷263,2 kW
From 1 to 8 fans Ø 500
dBA 26÷57
Also available with single-phase fans

SAV-N-S-R 630
13÷268 kW
From 1 to 8 fans Ø 630
dBA 17÷64
Also available with single-phase fans

EAV-F-N-S-R 630
14÷456 kW
From 1 to 8 fans Ø 630
dBA 17÷64
Also available with single-phase fans

SAV-S-T 800
29÷1200 kW
From 1 to 16 fans Ø 800
dBA 27÷58

40÷1584 kW
1 - 12 fans Ø 900
dBA 27÷67

EHV900-950 N-U-F-X
EAV900 N-U-X

34÷1320 kW
1 - 12 fans Ø 900 - 950
dBA 27÷67

TURBOCOIL® heat exchanger

The extraordinarily efficient performance of the heat exchanger is due to the optimum combination of special profile aluminium fins and internally helically-grooved tubes.

Construction materials
